Stela is now doing Food! 施德兰进入食品领域烘干!
In addition to high-performance dryers for agriculture and industry, stela also builds food dryers. The food sector not only includes herbs and vegetables, but also exciting new trends such as the drying of insects or seaweed. Roasters can also be offered for snacks, nuts, seeds and baked goods, to name just a few. Last but not least, the drying systems are also perfectly suitable for pet food. 除了农业和工业的高性能烘干机,施德兰还开拓了食品领域。食品行业不仅包括烘干草药和蔬菜,还包括诸如烘干昆虫和海藻等令人兴奋的新兴领域,以及烘烤如膨化食品、坚果、种子和烘焙食品等,最后但同样重要的不得不提是食品烘干机非常适合宠物食品。 For some months now, the food area has been working intensively on its expansion. The colleagues have been familiarised in the meantime and are driving the development of the business sector forward. In the future, food dryers will have their own lettering and logo to underline their special suitability for drying food. A separate food brochure addresses the customer specifically. 几个月来,食品领域一直在加快拓展,与此同时,我们同事与营销部门一起推动发展。将来,食品烘干系统将有自己的新的标识,用于强调食品领域的特殊适用性。专门的食品产品手册将面对客户。 The basic dryer concepts “Layer” (BTF-L) and “Stage” (BTF-S) have been developed. This means that the right solution can be offered for a wide range of products. The website has been updated and presents the dryer types and their features. All dryer components, right down to the cable tie, have been checked and updated to meet the requirements in the food sector. 用于食品烘干系统设计的层(BTF-L)和段(BTF-S)的基础理念已经开发成型,这意味着可以为各种食品提供蒸汽的解决方案。相应的网页信息也已更新,并介绍烘干系统的类型和功能,所有烘干系统的组件甚至包括电缆束带都经过检查和升级,以满足食品行业的要求。 A BTF-L is currently under construction and will soon be producing delicious cereals in Germany. More news on this will follow soon! BTF-L已在生产中,不久将在德国用于生产美味的谷物,更多关于食品行业的烘干系统将很快发布! 总而言之,我们可以说:“进程已定”!我们期待即将到来的食品行业展会以及令人兴奋的项目! in the past, Stela unrolled several successfull food projects. From now on, Stela likes to expand its activities in the food sector. 之前,施德兰已经推出了几个成功的食品烘干项目,现在起,施德兰希望扩大我们在食品行业的活动。 What kind of food dryer can stela offer? 施德兰可以为哪些食品提供烘干系统呢? The machines provide: drying, roasting, cooling of food and pet food. 包括:食品和宠物食品的烘干,烘焙和冷却。 The following product groups are relevant: 以及下列相关产品: herbs and spices / cereals, extrudates / vegetables / fruits/nuts / pet food / snacks / Other (insects, sea wheat, pharmaceutical products...) 草药和香料 / 谷物和膨化食品 / 蔬菜 / 水果 / 坚果 / 宠物食品 / 零食 / 其他(如用于面膜制造的昆虫,海藻,医药产品等) Note: The food sector is not to be confused with feed and agriculture. The food machines meet special requirements e.g. adapted design, stainless steel, special material certificates/documentation. 注意:食品烘干与饲料和农业不能混为一谈,食品机械符合特殊要求,比如适应性设计,不锈钢材质,特定材料资格证书或文件等。 What is already happening and what are our plans for the near future? 在这个领域里,施德兰已完成的工作和将来的计划是什么? In the food sector, the Stela logo will appear with an addition, a "symbol" and a lettering "Food". This will increase the presence and advertising impact. 在食品行业,施德兰标志将添加一个新的“符号”和“Food”(食品)字样,以突显其特征和广告影响力。All in all, we can say: "The course is set". We are looking forward to the upcoming trade fairs and other exciting projects in the food sector.