《世界水泥》杂志专访 - 德国施德兰
《世界水泥》:施德兰STELA 在水泥行业运营多久了? How long has STELA been operating in the cement sector? Andreas Wimmer(AW): 2014 年,我们与来自波兰和捷克共和国的客户一起为水泥行业安装了第一台带式干燥机。 We installed our first belt dryers for the cement industry in 2014 together with customers from Poland and the Czech Republic. 《世界水泥》:施德兰STELA 提供哪些产品和服务? Andreas Wimmer(AW): 施德兰STELA 专业生产低温带式干燥机,用于干燥替代燃料或其他多种生物质。 我们可以使用各种不同的热源,例如热水或蒸汽作为热源。 在水泥工业中,使用熟料生产过程中产生的热风尤其方便。 STELA is specialised in manufacturing low temperature belt dryers which are used to dry alternative fuels or several kinds of biomass. We can use various different mediums, such as hot water or steam, for the heat source. In the cement industry it is especially convenient to use the hot gases from the clinker production process. 单条生产线的产能可达 20、30 甚至 40 吨/小时,最终干料水分可低至5%,没有任何问题。 《世界水泥》:施德兰STELA 的带式干燥机如何帮助水泥厂? How do STELA's belt dryers help cement plants? Andreas Wimmer(AW): 干燥替代燃料会增加物料的热值,并使操作员更容易处理和计量,同时我们使用水泥厂可用且未使用的废热热源, 这意味着无需为干燥过程准备额外的热能。 Drying alternative fuels increases the calorific value of the material and makes the handling and dosing easier for operators. At the same time we are using thermal energy sources which are already available and mostly unused on site. This means there is no need to prepare additional thermal energy for the drying process. 《世界水泥》:您最近有什么项目想要讨论吗? Do you have any recent projects that you’d like to discuss? Andreas Wimmer(AW): 今年七月,我们调试完成另一个水泥行业项目。 在罗马尼亚的一家水泥工厂,我们安装了一台带式干燥机,可干燥 11 吨/小时的固体粉碎废料,物料粒径最大为 50 毫米,降水区间从 35% 干燥到 10%。 对于干燥过程,我们使用来自熟料冷却器过滤后的热风。 In July this year we commissioned another project for the cement industry. At a customer’s facility in Romania we installed a belt dryer for drying 11 tph of solid shredded waste with a material size of up to 50 mm, drying from 35% to 10% water content. For the drying process we use filtered hot gases from clinker cooling step. 《世界水泥》:今年早些时候,您在美国成立了一家新公司——请告诉我们更多信息。 Earlier this year, you launched a new company in the USA – tell us more. Andreas Wimmer(AW): 今年春天,我们在佐治亚州亚特兰大成立了北美施德兰干燥技术公司.,这是我们对当前和未来北美客户的长期承诺的一部分。 由于散料的节能和创新干燥在北美也发挥着越来越重要的作用,我们相信我们已经为众多行业的广泛应用提供了经过验证的解决方案。 我们很高兴 Wedig Graf Grote 加入我们代表北美 STELA 的团队。 This spring we launched STELA Drying Technology Corp. in Atlanta, GA as part of our long-term commitment to our current and future North American customers. As energy efficient and innovative drying of bulk material is playing an increasingly important role in North America too, we are convinced that we have proven solutions to offer for a wide range of applications in numerous industries. We are happy that Wedig Graf Grote has joined our team representing STELA in North America. 《世界水泥》:您对我们的读者有什么总结分享吗? Do you have any final thoughts for our readers? Andreas Wimmer(AW): 不断变化的水泥行业面临着重大挑战,能源及其可用性尤为重要,替代燃料在确保能源安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 在大多数情况下,都需要对物料进行干燥,施德兰可随时随地帮助客户完成这样的工作。 The changing cement industry faces major challenges. Energy sources and their availability are particularly important, and alternative fuels play a crucial role in ensuring energy security. In many cases, drying is required and STELAcan help its customers with this at any time and anywhere in the world. source and copyright: World Cement Magazine, September 2023Capacities of 20, 30, or even 40 tph are possible with one single line. Final water content levels as low 5% are reachable without any problem.